Database-Server Behavior
Kevin "Kestred" Stenerson (09-04-2013)
Section 0: Abstract
This documents the messages involved in interacting with a Database Server. A Database Server is a component with a single, preconfigured channel. This channel is used to request the Database Server to:
- Create new objects stored in the database.
- Update object fields stored in database.
- Run queries on objects stored in the database.
When one or more of a database object's values is updated through a set- or delete-
operation, the database will broadcast the received message over the database messages
channel (2 << 32|do_id)
. This behavior is default, but can be disabled through the daemon config.
Section 1: Database Server Messages
The following is a list of database control messages:
uint32 context, uint16 dclass_id, uint16 field_count, [uint16 field_id, <VALUE>]*field_count
uint32 context, uint32 do_id
This message creates a new object in the database with the given fields set to the given values. If a field was not given, but has a default value, the default value is stored.
If creation fails INVALID_DO_ID (0) is returned.
uint32 context, uint32 do_id, uint16 field_id
uint32 context, uint8 success, [uint16 field_id, <VALUE>]
This message gets the value of a single field from an object in the database. If the field is not set, the response returns a failure.
(uint32 context, uint32 do_id, uint16 field_count, [uint16 field_id]*field_count
uint32 context, uint8 success, [uint16 field_count], [uint16 field_id, <VALUE>]*field_count
This message gets the values of multiple fields from an object in the database. Database fields with no stored value are not included in the list of returned fields.
uint32 context, uint32 do_id
uint32 context, uint8 success,
[uint16 dclass_id, uint16 field_count],
[uint16 field_id, <VALUE>]*field_count)`
This message queries all of the data stored in the database about an object. Database fields with no stored value are not included in the list of returned fields.
uint32 do_id, uint16 field_id, <VALUE>
uint32 do_id, uint16 field_count, [uint16 field_id, <VALUE>]*field_count
These messages replace an object's current stored values for given fields. For updates that are derived or dependent on previous values, consider using SET_FIELD(S)_IF_EQUALS message instead.
uint32 context, uint32 do_id, uint16 field_id, <VALUE> old, <VALUE> new
uint32 context, uint8 success, [uint16 field_id, <VALUE>]
uint32 context, uint32 do_id, uint16 field_count,
[uint16 field_id, VALUE old, VALUE new]*field_count
uint32 context, uint8 success, [uint16 field_count], [uint16 field_id, <VALUE>]*field_count
These message replaces the current values of the given object with new values, but only if the 'old' values match the current state of the database.
This method of updating the database is used to prevent race conditions, particularily when the new values are derived or dependent on the old values.
If any of the given old values don't match then the entire transaction fails. In this case, the current values of all non-empty fields will be returned after FAILURE.
If any of the given fields are non-database or invalid, the entire transaction fails and no values are returned.
uint32 context, uint32 do_id, uint16 field_id, <VALUE>
uint32 context, uint8 success, [uint16 field_id, <VALUE>]
This message sets the given field if it does not currently have a value.
If the field is non-empty, the current value will be returned after FAILURE.
uint32 do_id, uint16 field_id
uint32 do_id, uint16 field_count, [uint16 field_id]*field_count
These messages delete individual fields from a database object.
Fields with default values will be reset to the default instead.
uint32 do_id
This message removes the object with the given do_id from the server.