Client Agent Behavior
Sam "CFSworks" Edwards (09-17-2013)
Kevin "Kestred" Stenerson (10-08-2013)
Section 0: Abstract
The Client Agent is responsible for allowing clients into the network. Clients do not connect directly to the Message Director: this would be a serious security risk, as clients could then send any message they want in order to disrupt the running game. Instead, the clients connect to the Client Agent, which acts as a gateway into the running network.
The client protocol is not the same as the internal inter-MD protocol documented here. For information on how clients communicate with the server, see the Client Protocol.
Section 1: Responsibilities
The Client Agent is responsible for all security in the game environment. Its responsibilities include ensuring clients only send clsend/ownsend messages, ensuring clients do not send corrupt field updates, verifying client version upon connection, and so on.
Aside from security, the Client Agent is responsible for retrieving information from the running cluster on the client's behalf. If a client sends a message to open interest in a particular zone, the Client Agent will query all objects residing in that zone.
Section 2: CA State Machine
Every connected client resides in one of three states:
- NEW (0): The client has just connected. The CA has no idea what version the client is running, or even if the client is a game client. In this state, the client must send a CLIENT_HELLO as its first message. Any other data will result in a disconnect.
- ANONYMOUS (1): The client has just sent a HELLO, but has not provided suitable authentication yet. In this state, the client may communicate with predesignated UberDOGs to provide authentication credentials and/or make anonymous game-state queries. Upon providing suitable authentication, the UberDOG(s) will instruct the CA, using an internal message, to move the client to the next state.
- ESTABLISHED (2): The client is fully connected and may behave normally. It is no longer restricted to the "anonymous" subset of UberDOGs.
Section 3: Session Messages
Unlike the State Server, the Client Agent does not have a control channel of its own. Therefore, all of these messages are meant to be sent to an active client session channel.
uint16 ca_state
Move the CA's state machine to a given state. This is mainly used when a client logs in or logs out, to flip the client between the ANONYMOUS and ESTABLISHED states respectively.
uint64 channel
Changes the sender used to represent this client.
This is useful if application/game components need to identify the avatar/account a given message came from: by changing the sender channel to include this information, the server can easily determine the account ID of a client that sends a field update.
Note: This also results in the CA opening the new channel, if it isn't open already.
blob datagram
Send a raw datagram down the pipe to the client. This is useful for sending app/game-specific messages to the client, debugging, etc.
uint16 disconnect_code, string reason
Disconnects the client with the specified code and reason. The code and reason carry the same meaning as CLIENT_EJECT.
CLIENTAGENT_DROP (1005) No arguments
Similar to above, but causes the CA to silently close the client connection, providing no explanation whatsoever to the client.
uint32 do_id, uint16 dclass_id
Because Client Agents verify the integrity of field updates, they must know the dclass of a given object to ensure that the incoming field update is for a field that the dclass/object actually has. Therefore, clients are normally unable to send messages to objects unless they are either configured as an UberDOG or are currently visible to the client. This message explicitly tells the CA that a given object exists, of a given type, and allows the client to send field updates to that object even if the client cannot currently see that object.
uint32 do_id
Antithesis of above message: the object is no longer explicitly declared, and the client can no longer send updates on this object without seeing it.
uint32 do_id
Declares the specified object to be a "session object" -- an avatar, for example -- that is automatically cleaned up when the client disconnects.
In addition, session objects are presumed to be required for the proper function of a client. After the client receives visibility on the object, if it is deleted by another process, or if the client loses visibility of the object, the client is automatically dropped.
uint32 do_id
Antithesis of above message. The declared object is no longer tied to the client's session, and will therefore not be deleted if the client drops (nor will the client be dropped if this object is deleted).
uint32 do_id, uint16 field_count, [uint16 field_id]*field_count
Override the security on certain fields for a given object. The specified fields are made sendable by the client regardless of ownsend/clsend. To undo the security override, send this message again without any field IDs, to clear the list of security-overridden fields for that object.
Section 3.1: Client Agent Control Messages
uint64 channel
Instruct the client session to open a channel on the MD. Messages sent to this new channel will be processed by the CA.
uint64 channel
This message is the antithesis of the message above. The channel is immediately closed, even if the channel was automatically opened.
blob datagram
Similar to CONTROL_ADD_POST_REMOVE, this hangs a "post-remove" message on the client. If the client is ever disconnected, the post-remove messages will be sent out automatically.
Section 3.2 Client Interest Messages
uint16 interest_id, uint32 parent_id, uint32 zone_id
This message instructs the CA to open an interest, as if the client had requested the interest itself.
uint16 interest_id, uint32 parent_id,
uint16 zone_count, [uint32 zone_id]*zone_count
This message instructs the CA to open an interest, as if the client had requested the interest itself.
uint16 interest_id
The antithesis of the message above: cause an open interest to be closed. This is even valid for client-opened interests, if the interest_id matches a client-requested interest.
uint64 client_id, uint16 interest_id
Sent by the ClientAgent to the caller of CLIENTAGENT_ADD_INTEREST to inform them that the interest operation has completed.